Do Portable Air Conditioners need to be Vented?

do portable air conditioners need to be vented

Do all portable air conditioners need to be vented? If so, why do all air conditioners need a hose? And can you use a portable AC without a hose? Quick answer: Yes, all portable air conditioners need to be vented. The heat extracted from the air has to leave your room, otherwise, it will mix … Read more

Do you have to put Water in a Portable Air Conditioner?

do you have to put water in a portable air conditioner

Do you have to put water in a portable air conditioner? The answer to this question uncovers a huge marketing scam, so keep reading until the end. You’ll be shocked. But before that, here’s the quick answer: Quick answer: You don’t have to put water in a portable air conditioner. Portable air conditioners extract heat … Read more

Do Portable Air Conditioners need Regassing?

do portable air conditioners need regassing

Do portable air conditioners need regassing? Do you need to put in any maintenance work? Your portable AC’s efficiency decreased any you suspect the refrigerant needs a refill? Quick answer: Portable air conditioners never need regassing. Portable ACs are fully enclosed systems and refrigerant will never leak if the device is not broken. If it … Read more

How does a Portable Air Conditioner work?

how does a portable air conditioner work

How does a portable air conditioner work? Air conditioners work “magically” and nobody ever fully gets them. As an electrical engineer, I try to break up the answer to this question into digestible chunks everybody can understand. Quick answer: Like a regular air conditioner, a portable air conditioner cools the air by evaporating a refrigerant … Read more

How to make a Portable Air Conditioner More Efficient?

how to make a portable air conditioner more efficient

How to make a portable air conditioner more efficient? Portable air conditioners can turn into a money drain if you don’t use them properly. This article is all about helping you to make sure that you are running your portable air conditioner at the highest efficiency. After reading this, you’ll know exactly what to do … Read more