How to fix Swamp Cooler Smell

evaporative cooler outdoors

How to fix swamp cooler smell. Swamp coolers are the ultimate breeding ground for bacteria and bad odors. All the dust that comes in from the outside collects on the air filters and the wet water pads. After a few days in the summer heat, the smell is inevitable. Swamp coolers stink naturally. Especially, when … Read more

Where do Swamp Coolers work? (US States List)

swamp cooler hessaire

Whether a swamp cooler works depends on the climate in your area. In this article, we’re having a quick glance at all US states and whether swamp coolers work there or not. Quick answer: Swamp coolers work in almost every US state during the afternoon, because that is the driest time of the day. Using … Read more

Can a Swamp Cooler run all day?

swamp cooler on patio

Can you run a swamp cooler all day? How humid will your living space be? And is there a risk of the electronics blowing up? Quick answer: Yes, you can run a swamp cooler all day. Swamp coolers do not add humidity to your room indefinitely, because they run at room temperature (and don’t boil … Read more

Can a Swamp Cooler catch on fire?

swamp cooler hessaire

Can a swamp cooler catch on fire? What happens when they run out of water? Quick answer: A swamp cooler will not catch fire, even when the water runs out. Swamp coolers run on low wattages, which makes overheating highly unlikely. Swap coolers are the safest cooling devices (together with fans). Do swamp coolers overheat … Read more

3 Best Swamp Coolers for Bedrooms

swamp cooler hessaire

There are very few swamp coolers that are actually good. In this article, we’re looking at the 3 best swamp coolers to use in a bedroom. Quick answer: The best bedroom swamp coolers are the Hessaire MC37M and MC18M models. Their water tanks last for a full night if you run them on half-power. Alternatively, … Read more